Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stop Global Warming

The world that we live in is very fragile. We may think that the various resources and land will last forever but this is not true. As we continue to see a growth explosion more and more land and resources are needed to help cope with the needs of living. What all of this need for resources does is to create pollution, land deforestation and global warming. Even though the effects of global warming are on the increase you will find ways to stop global warming in your corner of the world.

The ways to stop global warming can be accomplished on a large scale or on a small scale. The small scale way is the first one that we will look at. Here you will need to understand that you must start the steps in small does otherwise they will be too much to handle.

The first step involves your mode of traveling. As most of us travel to work by car we don’t seem to realize that we are contributing towards global warming patterns. To stop global warming from becoming worse because of our traveling habits we can see about carpooling.

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The different public transport systems are another way that masses of people can travel from one destination to another. You could see about buying a hybrid car. With this form of travel you will save money on fuel and you can see how you effort to stop global warming is coming along.

Having looked at the ways to stop global warming with regards to your traveling you can now turn your attention to disposing of household waste products like old bottles, newspapers, excess paper, tins, unwanted toys, food and other such items. As there are many different types of household waste items to look at you should separate the ones that you have and dispose of them in this manner.

For instance you can make compost for your garden from food stuff like onion peelings, tea leaves, spoiled vegetables and fruit can be turned into compost. The items like tins, old bottles, papers and newspapers can be taken to recycling centers where they will be eventually taken for recycling.

You can take your old clothes, toys and other goods to charity shops so that someone else will have the chance of using them. This way you can prevent the many garbage dumps from becoming too full. This is another way to stop global warming that seldom crosses our minds.

As you see while the large industries and companies work to somehow stop global warming on a large scale, the small scale prevention is just as good. For those of us who are looking at the ways to stop global warming our homes, the way we travel and our lifestyles can be looked at with this goal in mind. In the end it is all of our collective efforts to stop global warming which will help us to live a better and cleaner life.

Main Cause Of Global Warming

Global warming is fact of life that many of us need to deal with. In order to know more about how global warming has come into effect you need to know what the reasons for this greenhouse effect are. While there are many causes which have given rise to global warming, the main cause of global warming is humans.

While you may not feel that this fact is true when you look at how we treat the environment and the pollution that we have heaped on the earth. You can then gain an inkling of the reasons for global warming.

The first place to look for the main cause of global warming is in our cities. The work that we do in the cities in order to have successful lives, helps to cause this greenhouse effect. The main culprits for global warming in our cities are cars and industries. You can see just from walking or driving around how many cars travel to and fro in the streets.

Each of these cars produces carbon as a waste byproduct. This chemical is then sent out into the atmosphere where it gathers with other atmospheric chemicals. These chemical substances travel to the upper part of the atmosphere and here they form a sort of umbrella over the earth.

This is where the term greenhouse effect has come into play. Of course cars are not the only main cause of global warming. You will find that the smoking chimney stacks from older industries send up huge amounts of smoke into the air. While some of this smoke is harmless there are others which are not that harmless.

These more dangerous smoke particles interact with the clouds and the other molecules in the atmosphere. The resulting winds, rain and fog which you see causing havoc with our lives are the effects that you can see from global warming.

Another item that you need to understand is that with the massive amounts of deforestation that we are causing, the amount of life giving rain is reduced. The forests where these trees are located are not able to process the amounts of carbon which is found in the air. As the deforestation is caused by our need for land, timber and plants we are in fact the main cause of global warming and environmental pollution with regards to deforestation.

While there are some people who will argue against the fact that humans are the main cause of global warming, there is ample evidence to support this fact. If you are prepared to stop global warming from becoming even worse then you need to accept your part in the trend of global warming.

As we are the main cause of global warming, we need to work together all over the world to stop the causes and effects of global warming from destroying the world that we live in.

Causes Of Global Warming!

As we go about our daily lives we seldom think how the way that we live affects the environment around us. While we may think for a few minutes that we need to be more environmentally conscious there are very few of us who actually take the time which is needed. The different reports about global warming need our consideration as some of the causes of global warming are caused by us.

You may ask how this is possible. The answers are all staring us in the face if we just choose to look at them. The first place to look for some of the causes of global warming is in our cities. Whenever you drive on the roads your car is sending out emissions of carbon monoxide. You just have to multiple this effect with that of the numerous other vehicles to understand that driving a fuel engine vehicle does contribute to global warming.

Global Warming Video

Another way that we contribute towards the causes of global warming is by deforestation. When we were younger we were taught that the trees in the forests, jungles and rainforests were the lungs of the world. By cutting down large amounts of trees the curative abilities of these areas are decreased.

This effect happens because trees need carbon dioxide to live. When large tracts of trees are cut down in one place the balance is lost. The remaining trees can’t absorb all of the carbon which is floating in the atmosphere. Due to this fact the carbon rises in volume in the atmosphere. This is also why deforestation can be seen as one of the causes of global warming.

Besides these factors chemicals like methane and nitrous oxide are also causes of global warming. These chemicals while in small amounts are not enough to cause damage to the atmosphere and environment. They can be considered as causes of global warming when they are used for various man needed schemes.

These schemes include the rearing of domestic animals such as cows in a congregated mass. The growth of rice in flooded paddy fields is also one such cause. The other chemical reasons for global warming can be seen in the artificial fertilizers that we use.

When all of these actions are taken separately you think there must be a mistake in thinking that these are some of the causes of global warming. There is however lots of evidence which supports this case. In order to stop the disastrous effects of global warming you should look at the different global warming causes and see what steps you can take to prevent this fact.

The more people who realize these facts, the sooner we can halt the spread of global warming. We should not wait too long as nature will not wait for us to get our acts straightened out. Remember that the causes of global warming are warnings to us to change our ways of living.